DMR Chinese Edition

The DMR Chinese edition (the Chinese edition of Digestive Medicine Research) is a Chinese-language column that addresses the growing need for trusted medical information in China. The initiative of the DMR Chinese edition aims to raise awareness of medical advances among clinicians through translated content, enhancing the links between Chinese scientists and the international medical community.

The translation of a selection of full-text content from DMR applies rigorous standards to ensure accuracy and quality control. The DMR Chinese edition will deliver the quality clinical and scientific content to the Chinese medical and clinical research community.


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溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis, UC)和克罗恩病(Crohn’s disease, CD)是炎症性肠病(Inflammatory bowel disease, IBD)的一部分,它们呈现慢性病程并且具有较高风险发展成为结直肠癌(colorectal cancer, CRC)。


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