Evidence of Epigenetics in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Posted On 2024-08-01 16:45:01

This series on "Evidence of Epigenetics in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases" is edited by Dr. Patrick Varga-Weisz, University of Essex, UK and Dr. Raquel Franco Leal, University of Campinas, Brazil. The main purposes of this series are 1) to shed light onto potential links between epigenetic mechanisms and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and to highlight new findings in this respect, 2) to explore progress in this field in pre-clinical models and in patients, and 3) to examine the role of environment in its broadest sense in IBD.

Evidence of epigenetics in inflammatory bowel diseases
Raquel Franco Leal, Patrick Varga-Weisz

Original Article
A promising DNA methylation analysis pipeline for epigenetic studies and clinical implementation in inflammatory bowel disease
Hang Viet Dao, Vinh Chi Duong, Long Van Dao, Long Bao Hoang, Thien Khac Nguyen, Thang Luong Pham, Giang Minh Vu, Tham Hong Hoang

Review Article
Histone acylations as a mechanism for regulation of intestinal epithelial cells
Mariane Font Fernandes, Marco Aurélio Ramirez Vinolo

The exposome-diet-epigenome axis in inflammatory bowel diseases—a narrative review
Beatriz Alves Guerra Rodrigues, Karine Mariane Steigleder, Penélope Lacrísio Reis Menta, Marina Moreira de Castro, Marciane Milanski, Raquel Franco Leal

Role of epigenetic mechanisms in inflammatory bowel disease
Gabriel V. Pereira, Patrick Varga-Weisz

Ambient air pollution and inflammatory bowel disease—a narrative review
Cyrla Zaltman, Paula Arruda do Espírito Santo, Marcia Henriques de Magalhães Costa

The series on "Evidence of Epigenetics in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases" is commissioned by the editorial office, Digestive Medicine Research (DMR) without any sponsorship or funding Dr. Patrick Varga-Weisz and Dr. Raquel Franco Leal serve as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.